2016 NSW Dickens Society Events

2016 Program

Sunday 7 February

Dickens’ 204th birthday celebration, around Dickens Statue, Dickens Drive, Centennial Park.  Join us for birthday cake, champagne and orange juice @ 2.30pm

Saturday 13 February

AGM + A Reader’s Walk Through Dickens – Malvina Yock

Saturday 9 April

Dress in the Age of Dickens – Margot Riley

Saturday 11 June

Edwin Drood and the Death of Dickens  – Walter Mason

Saturday 13 August

Madame Weigel and the Dickens sisters of Melbourne – Dr Veronica Lampkin

Saturday 8 October

Dombey and Son: Literary and Social Conventions and Changes – Helen Yardley

Saturday 3 December

Christmas Lunch – Joint celebration with members of Australian Brontë Association

Our Book of the Year for 2016 is The Mystery of Edwin Drood 

Morning tea from 10am – meetings begin at 10.30am.  Visitors welcome.

Meetings are held on the 1st Floor, Castlereagh Hotel, 169 Castlereagh Street, Sydney (near the junction with Park Street).

Should last minute changes occur this program will be changed accordingly

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