Join us on 2 February 2019

Saturday 2nd February
NSWDS AGM + A talk by Susannah Fullerton OAM, FRSN; Queen Victoria & Charles Dickens 

Coronation portrait of Queen Victoria by George Hayter 1838

2019 is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Queen Victoria. There’s no better time to look at the relationship between the Queen Empress and the most famous writer of her realm. What did the Queen think of the novels of Mr Dickens? What did he think of her, and did they ever meet? Susannah Fullerton examines the relationship between two notable Victorians. Before the talk, Valentine’s Day cards which Dickens characters might have sent each other, written by Ron Withington, will be read by Geoffrey Usher and Catherine du Peloux Menagé.

Meetings: 10am for 10.30am start at Nangamay Room (formerly Sydney Room) City Tattersalls Club, 194 – 204 Pitt Street (near Market Street), Sydney. No bookings required. $5 entry fee for NSW Dickens Society members. $10 for non-members.

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